Present situation is challenging, painful and complex and requires reorganization of civilian bodies.
Our aim is to demonstrate to managers and work force that they are not simply carrying forward in the same mode but need to initiate a process of reorganization.
We offer intervention with horses from the ground (not riding) which will assist organizations to cope with difficulties and the challenges which the new reality presents.
Reserve soldiers returning to civilian work.
How do horses help?
What are the Benefits to the Organization?
More Details
Reserves in the Organization
Reserved soldiers find themselves repeatedly in a complex situation where they are constantly moving from the army to civilian life and vice versa.This requires significant mental adaptation to unpredictable changes.
They describe experiencing, loss of meaning which results in deep feelings of isolation which only intensify the notion that nobody understand what they are experiencing.
A significant discrepancy exit between military and civilian life.
Pace of work, duration and intensity are different. Levels of dedication and purpose are different. Due to the difficulties, some resigned from managerial positions or even projects they had established from scratch.
On return to work they need to be updated and sometimes even to relearn and to cope with the feelings of redundancy.
Spouses of the Reservists
Partners of reserved soldiers are required to fulfil all the roles at home and juggle between various assignments and obligations.
They are required to continue fulfil their roles at work and even cope with organizational changes which have occurred due to the complicated situation.
They need to cope with physical and mental pressure due to the many roles required of them, together with worry and anxiety for their partner.
There are differences and tension between them and their partner on their return home from service.
How do the Horses Help?
The natural peaceful surroundings and the horses' non- judgmental attitude may contribute to the feelings of security and calmness which will allow mutual trust and interpersonal communication and openness.
Through the interaction between horse and human one can relearn how to recognize and regulate feelings, improve communication, build trust reestablish self- confidence and re achieve control of their life.
Horses live in a perfectly structured hierarchical herd community similar to any organization. Work with horses enables one to reflect on the efficiency of your leadership skills and to define your position in the hierarchy of your organization, and describe what would help you to improve functionally for you and for your organization
Dealing with 600 or more animal, is an empowering experience and remined people that they are able to affect their surrounding.
What are the Benefits to the Organization?

The natural peaceful surroundings and the horses' non- judgmental attitude may contribute to the feelings of security and calmness which will allow mutual trust and interpersonal communication and openness.
Through the interaction between horse and human one can relearn how to recognize and regulate feelings, improve communication, build trust reestablish self- confidence and re achieve control of their life.
Horses live in a perfectly structured hierarchical herd community similar to any organization. Work with horses enables one to reflect on the efficiency of your leadership skills and to define your position in the hierarchy of your organization, and describe what would help you to improve functionally for you and for your organization
Dealing with 600 or more animal, is an empowering experience and remined people that they are able to affect their surrounding.
More Details
Place: Moshav Aviel.
Possibilities for workshops: day workshop / process workshop.
Number of participants - up to 15 in each workshop.
A demo session can be arranged for HR managers before sending the employees.
The workshops are intended for men and women.
For coordination and additional details: Neta - 0523239636